Thursday, November 7, 2013

You think I'm lucky

hear a lot of people say "wow, you're so lucky you got to...." When I tell people about teen group activities, Canucks games, and BC Lions games. I have gotten to experience some amazing events, including 2 concerts now (Justin Bieber and Carrie Underwood), and I even went on a free trip to  Greece! 

At a Vancouver Canucks game Ofelia, Wesley, George, my mom, my great aunt, and I actually got to go down outside the locker room to meet Jason Garrison (#5 on the ice, #1 in, my heart) and he gave me a signed tshirt and his hockey stick! And recently at a BC lions game Felicia, Ofelia, my mom, myself, and many other kids from BC Children's hospital got to be on the field during the half time show, which just so happened to be Bif Naked! It was incredible! We were even able to get a picture with her and her guitar player Jacen before they left! 

While I am incredibly thankful to have been able to do all of this and more, I don't think it should be called "lucky". I am so grateful that I am able to experience these events, but it comes with a price. That price is cancer.

To be completely honest I would give back each and every opportunity I have been through just to be healthy. I would have rather missed out on all of these experiences just to live a life without cancer. 

So before you comment saying "wow Brooke, you're so lucky you got to meet Jason Garrison" "you're lucky you met Bif Naked" or "you're so lucky you got to go to a concert", remember it's not luck. It's more of a way to make the battle just a little bit easier, and not just for me, but other kids and teens fighting similar battles.