Friday, May 22, 2015


Let's start fresh.

I've been told that my writing is good but I've been so distracted that I haven't blogged in almost a year. Woops. I'm making a promise to myself to get back on track. I can do this.

As most of my readers know in September of 2014 I was classified as being palliative. Which means there is nothing more my doctors can do except keep me comfortable and healthy for as long as they can. I can no longer beat this disease. I can only prolong the inevitable.

And I've accepted that. It took a little while to really accept it. But I do. It was so hard to because of how great I look and feel most of the time. I don't look like someone who almost literally has a chest full of tumors, a sore shoulder, and an arthritic hip (although when I am over worked I do limp slightly. Damn hip).

There also an ulterior motive to my blogging again. Yes, it's my favorite time of the year next weekend! Miracle weekend is coming up on May 30th and 31st and yours truly is co-host again this year!  I hate having to fundraise for myself and my family... it feels so selfish, even though we do need help sometimes. But there are thousands of other families who need help also, and I feel much better if donations go to research, equipment, or for the new hospital! That way you're helping not only me, but so many other kids, and families, who rely on BC Children's every year. I encourage you to help, even the smallest amount. No donation is too small, because no act of kindness is ever small.

I promise I'll blog more. If I don't just remind me. Chemo brain makes me forgetful!

Also, how about cute pictures of my fur baby to keep you smiling throughout the day... I am so happy to have Rocko in our lives! His little attitude has us smiling or laughing every day.