Sunday, January 19, 2014


I love to write. 

Not only that but I love card games, puzzles, video games, and even texting. Lately though I've felt very frustrated due to the fact that I have hardly any energy to do any of my favourite things. Sometimes I don't even have enough energy to watch a movie. Something as simple as laying down and doing nothing basically exhausts me. It may also just be the fact that it's the only thing I can do for entertainment and I'm no longer entertained. Just bored. I don't feel like doing the things I love to do. They seem to have become a chore for me, and I find myself having to put more effort into daily life than I used to. I even have a hard time texting my friends back because I'm just too tired to respond. 

Imagine, a teenager who DOESN'T want to text message 24 hours a day.

I felt bad that I've been neglecting not only messages of love and support, but also my blog, but I've been having a hard time mustering up the energy to write about my life. Everything just seems so draining, and I don't want to continuously explain to everyone how tired I am.

Also, I can't seem catch a break.

Right now the chemotherapy treatment I'm on requires me to take it every day. No stopping. My last treatment was 21 days on and 7 off. This time there's no break. At least we found that it may have been a virus that was constantly making me extremely sick, and not the drug. Being so sick just drains you twice as fast as normal!

I'm just sick and tired of being so sick and tired.

So I will end this blog post on a short note due to the fact that I am exhausted, but I would still like to play a quick game of cribbage with my mom before bed time.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Brooke,
    Your candid comments are a great way to give others some perspective on the challenges you are facing. One cannot even begin to imagine how frustrating and "draining" everything seems; however, hopefully there will be that glimmer that you can "grab onto"to help "tide you over" through these very trying phases.
    All the best, Corinne in Castlegar
