Saturday, February 22, 2014

Finally! Some good news!

I have been waiting almost 2 years to hear that we finally have control. Waiting, and trying different chemotherapy drugs, as well as different methods of receiving chemo to find one that actually works. For nearly 2 years we have been holding the cancer at bay, neither growth or shrinking happening. Just chilling out in there. 

But the tables have finally turned.

After a solid 3 weeks on a new chemotherapy drug we have seen improvement. Not a lot, but enough to know that it's working. We weren't asking for much anyways, Rome wasn't built in a day, and tumours won't disappear in a day, we just wanted to know that all of this suffering wasn't just for nothing. 

Not only is it working on the tumours, but I'm also tolerating the drug really well.

Before this new wonderful oral chemotherapy (called Crizinotib) I was on IV chemo, and other pills that made my blood count drop significantly. I was feeling sick and tired all the time, and my immune system was null so I never was able to go out. Now I don't feel nauseated 24/7 and my blood counts stay fairly normal. I used to get blood and platelet transfusions biweekly, and I haven't been in need of blood in 2 or 3 months, and even longer for platelets! I've felt more free, and just generally good. I've felt good. Better than that actually, I've been feeling great! 

Now that we know this chemo works, and I am experiencing minimal side effects, I feel like I can adjust my life to a regular and more normal routine. 

That, and my hair has been coming in since November-ish. I can almost go without a wig, but it is a little bit chilly for that, and it's still a little bit thin. But I will finally see what I look like with a pixie hair style! I was always to chicken to cut it short, and kept it pretty long. Well, until I went bald anyways! 

And here it is: my miracle drug! 

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